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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Being recognized as the only sane choice by people across the political spectrum and by nonpartisan organizations that rarely if ever endorse presidential candidates is generally going to be helpful for a campaign.

    While there are plenty of people on Lemmy acting like this is a deal breaker, I highly doubt any of those people were ever going to vote for Harris.

    And even if there is a nonzero number of votes lost to third parties or staying home because of this endorsement, those lost votes are almost certainly less likely to be in battleground states, and are only worth half as much as any independent or republican leaning votes that would otherwise have gone to Trump.

  • We should laugh. It’s better for our mental health. It deflates their image in the eyes of those who share our laughter. And it drives these shit heads even more nuts, making them act even weirder, and making us laugh even louder

    What we mustn’t do is get complacent. We need to push hard no matter how we think it’s going. If it’s a tight race, we fight to take the lead. If it’s looking like a victory, we fight to make it a blowout. The bigger the margin, the harder it will be for Trump to fight it after, and the more likely it will be that we won’t have to deal with an impossibly divided and obstructionist legislature.

    Vote, and get others out to vote too.

  • The long term effects of authoritarians consolidating their power and eliminating the last remnants of democracy and the rule of law is that it no longer matters if any of us are left or right. I’ll take having a system that can still be changed over being trapped in under dictatorial rule but taking comfort in the fact that I’ve remained ideologically pure.

    And no, choosing the best viable candidate doesn’t just lead inevitably to a shift to the right. If that were the case, we wouldn’t be talking about people on the right endorsing someone to their left. The fact that Democrats have chosen electable candidates when Republicans chose Trump loyalists and MAGA nutcases is the main reason why Republicans have underperformed since 2018, and why they keep sabotaging their own efforts fighting with their own party members. Their most recent victories are largely due to courts they packed with right wing judges, something that will only get worse if they win, but which will be gradually undone if they lose.

    But this is an argument that’s always raging on this site. That particular dead horse has been reduced to a fine paste. I doubt anyone’s going to be swayed at this point.

  • The Harris campaign has not extended an invitation to the Bush administration to come back and take over the White House if she wins. Nor is there some great wave of enthusiasm on the right for Harris, it’s just them endorsing the only viable alternative to Trump.

    And if Bush v Gore was the biggest threat to democracy in your lifetime, you must have been dead for the last four years. Florida in 2000 was a clusterfuck whose outcome was always going to be determined by how the votes were counted because the margin between the candidates was less then the number of disputed ballots. But after it was over, the country went back to business as usual.

    Trump spread lies about the election being stolen, plotted a blatant coup attempt, incited a riot that attempted to overthrow the election by force, and after failing to hold onto power. But unlike in 2000, this didn’t stop with one election, Trump and pals have continued to push conspiracy theories and coordinate at the local level to disrupt the entire democratic process. You’ve got armed nut jobs threatening poll workers, and local election rules being written specifically to maximize the disruption they can cause to elections. It’s now the norm for Trump supporters to see elections as inherently invalid if their side loses, with a significant number of those people being willing to support illegal or violent actions if it will give them the win they want. Even if Trump loses, the damage he’s inflicted to American democracy will likely last for decades.

  • The people who are saying this is a deal breaker weren’t going to vote for Harris anyway.

    Trump is a threat to democracy, stands in direct opposition to the rule of law, embraces authoritarianism, undermines national security, alienates allies while emboldening enemies and rivals, enables nutcases and violent extremists, has called for the constitution to be thrown out, has stated he intends to use the government to persecute his political rivals, has declared that members of his own administration should be executed for being more loyal to the country than to him, and managed to get the Supreme Court to declare the president to be above the law. And that’s barely scratching the surface.

    Even for conservatives, that list sounds very bad. Bad enough to outweigh major policy disagreements. It really shouldn’t be that hard to understand why some of them might be willing to endorse the only viable alternative.

  • I really wish Star Trek was more consistent with its world building when it comes to stuff like this. There’s a variety of spaceborn life forms out there, but no larger ecosystem, and usually no lifecycle. I get that exploration and discovery means not having all the answers, but shit like the pitcher plant just doesn’t make sense. They are basically just monsters that exist outside the natural order of things. In fact, the many omnipotent beings in Star Trek are often the best explanation for how these things came to be, pretty much just “a wizard did it” but pretending that it’s still somehow sciencey if we don’t call it magic.

    I like the idea that the galaxy could be populated by a complex web of gigafauna. I want to see pods of spacewhales navigating between worlds, filter feeding on gigantic space bugs, and evading ambush predators that phase in and out of reality. I want areas on the star chart that say “here there be dragons” because while we’re pretty sure there aren’t actual dragons, we know something dangerous is lurking there. I want to see spores from a silicon fungus that spread solar sails and infect neighboring worlds. And I want the show to remember that it exists instead of just being gone forever as soon as the credits roll.

  • First, I wouldn’t assume that there isn’t anyone planning to assassinate Harris.

    Second, let’s not pretend that there hasn’t been political violence coming from Trump’s side of the aisle. For example, does the phrase “where’s Nancy” ring a bell?

    Third, Trump has positioned himself as an authoritarian strong man who will not be restrained by laws, facts, institutions or norms. He has embraced extremism and excused violence. He promotes hatred, division and conspiracy theories. He attacks law enforcement and courts when they apply the law to him, while simultaneously threatening to wield them as a political tool to persecute his enemies. He has managed to get the Supreme Court to declare the president to be above the law up to and including being able to order the assassination of political rivals. He has rejected democracy, attempted to steal the last election, and incited a riot at at the capital in order to coerce congress into going along with his coup attempt. When that failed, he called for the constitution to be thrown out, and stated that members of his own administration that didn’t support him should be executed. He’s wielded his influence in the Republican party to undermine the defense of Ukraine and support for NATO, and has single-handedly weakened NATO by threatening to withdraw and sowing doubt as to whether the US can be counted on to honor the defensive pact at the heart of the alliance. He encouraged opposition to basic public health protections during a pandemic simply because they looked bad politically, fanning the flames of an anti-science and anti-health movement that significantly increased the death toll. He has promised to be a dictator, and wants to purge the federal government of anyone who is not loyal to him and his agenda. He has a base full of rabid nutcases who routinely threaten violence and intimidate those that get in the way or try to enforce the law. He uses Nazi rhetoric and is supported by neo nazis, white supremacists, and other militant groups. He also has the backing of numerous billionaires that wield disgusting amounts of power and influence, and he’s made no secret that he is willing to sell policy in exchange for contributions.

    And that’s not even an exhaustive list, just the first things that come to mind. Quite frankly, Trump is so toxic and such a clear threat to basically everything that America and liberal democracy is supposed to be about that it’s not a surprise that someone would take a shot at him.

  • Not exactly in this case. The title is framing his comments as being about making it hard to vote. While that’s absolutely what the bill he’s talking about will do, he isn’t presenting it that way. He’s saying that the SAVE act will “secure” the election and that the strategy of forcing it through by tying it to government funding will be a winning one for Republicans. Both these statements are false (voters don’t like government shut downs), but that’s still his argument.

    The quiet part is still quiet here, because you have to already know that the bill he’s pushing is about voter suppression, not election integrity.