• 53 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • There was a thing he said back in the early 2000s, and it was leaked around the 2016 election. He was talking about women, and said something to the effect of “When you’re rich, and famous, they let you grab em by their pussy”.

    People at the time were angry that his views were that, but, honestly, that’s the life he’s lived. That’s the life he knows as reality. WE see it as disgusting, because he’s saying that women can be treated as sex objects, and that he’s ok with that. He see’s it as just the world we live in, because women approach him and treat THEMSELVES as sex objects. Those are the women that approach him, so that’s the experience he has with women. Women who only want him for his money.

    And now we see it even applies to the courts. Maybe we should still be mad at him for having those views, but also understand why he has those views, and start holding society accountable. Maybe we should be angry at parents who don’t teach their daughters to have more self respect than to find some rich guy to bang for money.

    Because at the end of the day, all trump is saying is “I get treated differently, because I’m rich.”

    And as angering as that is to hear…he’s not wrong. He’s just an asshole.

  • This isn’t unpopular…this is just facts. Youtube celebrities are just celebrities with a much lower ceiling of celebrity.

    They come in, they’re popular, they get views, and then they’re gone with nobody remembering who they are. I assume my niece, who is 13, knows who Tom Hanks is. I’m unclear if she’s ever seen his movies, but I would feel confident that she knows who he is. When you think about it, Tom Hanks hasn’t had any big movies the past 10 years. But the movies he is known for are generally classics.

    Now compare that with the annoying orange, or “HEEEY IT’S FREEEDDDDDD”. I assume she’d look at me with a tilted head if I asked her about them. Technically she was alive for them, but she was probably still in diapers. And they’ve left no lasting impression on pop culture.

    But all this drama on social media? Yeah…it’s the same thing. Just the same as two popular in their school 6th graders having drama. Sure, they’re popular in their school, but do you think anyone outside that school cares what Josh and Edward are beefing about?

    Same concept, even smaller ceiling for celebrity.

  • Thats my issue with politics. Every issue is bait, and everybody plays with the issues.

    Meanwhile, the outcomes affect real people.

    And not just THIS issue. This is every issue. It’s all just a series of “how can I frame this to benefit me…”

    And that’s all politics has ever been. Even back in the slavery days. People praise Lincoln for ending slavery. People like to remember him as being snti-slavery. He wasn’t. He was trying to work both sides, and it happened to benefit him to end slavery.

    Just the same today with domens health/abortions, the economy, education, and any other big issue you can think of. If it benefits a politician to take a side, they will. The right thing to do would be to allow Ukraine to use our best weapons, and strike deep within russia. But that doesn’t benefit America to end the war. Instead, it benefits America to drain russia for generations of all military, vehicles, equipment, and ability to recover. It benefits America to send a message to China to not fuck around.

    What benefits America and what is the right thing to do are rarely the same.