My only question is how to best handle children having sex with each other. Do you ban it / try to prevent it from happening at all? Do you set limits on how different they can be in age? Is there an even younger age when it’s never ok but it’s ok if they’re both older AND of similar enough age? Is age not even the right way to do it and more importantly is there a better way? Should you have to pass a class where you can prove you know how to apply a condom and obtain consent from others??? I don’t have any good answers to any of these questions but I do think they’re important to ask and talk about. The more common discussion I wind up in is juvenile substance abuse (should you let kids do drugs as long as they’re in your house so you can keep them safe? Are kids who are raised where everybody 14ish and older can have a glass of wine at the dinner table more or less likely to develop alcoholism due to the increased daily presence but decreased taboo?) but this discussion reuses a lot of the same concepts.
You. I like you.