Here in Murica, with insurance, if you need a surgery for a knee or hip replacement, news flash, the doctor usually schedules your surgery for several weeks to months out. Almost no American will be diagnosed as needing a knee replacement, and have said knee replacement that day or that week.
Herp derp wAiT LiSTs!!!111 right here in the US.
Defending our gold plated shithole country, especially with false talking points, doesn’t help you or this gold plated shithole country.
Here in Murica, with insurance, if you need a surgery for a knee or hip replacement, news flash, the doctor usually schedules your surgery for several weeks to months out. Almost no American will be diagnosed as needing a knee replacement, and have said knee replacement that day or that week.
Herp derp wAiT LiSTs!!!111 right here in the US.
Defending our gold plated shithole country, especially with false talking points, doesn’t help you or this gold plated shithole country.