TIL that the “f” in NAFTA stands for “furry”.
I am genuinely surprised Europe has so few, given how much I’ve seen Eurofurence mentioned on my social timelines whenever that one approaches. I suppose that’s the only European one I really hear about, but still, the impression I got was that there were a fair few people in Europe that would go to one.
I feel like it’s a pretty bold claim to call America the inventor of furries when ancient Egyptians were making fursonas.
Clearly the sole reason for the fall of the Egyptian dynasties: they went too far into their furdom
I see Norwegian furries tend to stay mostly inland.
They don’t want to get their fur wet.
Beaver-fursona* people in shambles.
(* I assume that’s a thing)
If I were forced to choose … yes, it would be the ones that build dams just to keep everyone else away from their homes.
those must be old numbers. germany has more than 3 conventions with more than 500 ppl. every csd has more than 500 furries. https://furrycons.com/calendar/calendar.php?year=2024&loc=eu
Who knew that was the American dream all along
The pathowogen spreading just as planned