• 56 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • The doctor that did my surgery specializes in neck and head cancer. Because cancer sucks enough, he likes to leave no visible scar. I do not know how he does it but the net result is a scar with two tiny knots at each end. To remove, they cut the knots at each end and pull on one side. It leaves a hair thin line of discoloration rather than your typical Frankenstein thick scar with staples or stitch lines.

  • I needed to have “under the skin” stitches removed for a surgery that went across my throat from almost ear to ear. For whatever reason they did not use the type that dissolve but I was told that they would be removed after a few weeks. When they did, the process was to cut the knot and proceed to pull what seemed like a two foot long and thick hair out of me. It was like a magician pulling handkerchiefs from his hat. It just would not end and it felt awful.