Got failed for a programming test. Discovered during the practice tests that it was a vm that would run your code for a variety of test cases. Turns out it was a linux vm and said test cases and answer where in a big plain text file that was accessible by the program when being run. Wrote a universal solver that simply read the file checked which case was being checked and returned the correct answer. Got given zero for cheating.
Got failed for a programming test. Discovered during the practice tests that it was a vm that would run your code for a variety of test cases. Turns out it was a linux vm and said test cases and answer where in a big plain text file that was accessible by the program when being run. Wrote a universal solver that simply read the file checked which case was being checked and returned the correct answer. Got given zero for cheating.
Although it was cheating, IMO they should at least have given you credit for ingenuity.
You have the mindset of a proper hacker (the old fashioned definition of course).
As someone (I can’t remember who) said, the best way to get something done is to assign it to a lazy but genius person.
They should have said, good job, now do the actual assignment.
Because clearly you aren’t learning the relevant material that way.