Spiritual But Not Religious | Eclectic Spirituality
You cannot take away the rights of others in the name of equality and cannot allow intolerance as intolerance stifles tolerance
Migrated from reddit with the same username
Alt accounts:
That description is transphobic as fuck
If I had a therapist and they started doing that I’d start fearing that they are going to call the police later to take me and put me in a mental institution
Pirate It
What is the purpose of a joiners mallet ?
Don’t forget about the cute girlfriends for transbians
Wait a minute… that’s not hatsune miku
Gimp is better suited for this role
Krita is a art focused program
You also cannot add information to blurted blurred pictures, you can only approximate
It could work but it also fuels their conspiracy theory tendencies
If there was a way to poison their conspiracies to get them out of believing conspiracy theories that would be a better way of doing things
Wikipedia doesn’t follow its own rules
It has its own group of elitist editors that use accrued reputation to control certain areas of Wikipedia in their interest
Wikipedia editing is not democratic and that is why I don’t largely trust Wikipedia and prefer other reliable credible sources
Parents basically sit their children on tablets to babysit them these days
How to tell people you’re out of touch with young people
And if your children actually do ask about then respond with more information instead of shrugging them off, children are curious
To be fair staring into a single flame is kind of hypnotising
I just realised they go out naked most of the time
Someone could build an emp with a wave guide in their garage and just aim them at the drones
Just look at online forums and youtubers who are in the DIY electronics space
You could even make one from parts of a plasma globe
If these are drones and someone does this irl I’m going to shoot them down
Looks like a troll account
I feel a strong wholesome yuri chemistry from this image