A space biologist by training and a (Arch)Linux user by passion #ArchLinux #Linux #KISS #FOSS #terminal, #python https://www-gem.codeberg.page

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2023


  • When I first heard about Zen, I’ve tested it with EFF like I do for all web browsers I experiment with (from most mainstream to most unknown). Unfortunately, it doesn’t offer a full privacy.

    Not everyone cares, but if this is something important for you, Librewolf has been the only one to come up with a full privacy protection result. Maybe you could achieve a good result if you use Arkenfox with Firefox… I didn’t try it.

  • This doesn’t sound like the normal behavior. From the app description: “This indexing process may take some time, but it’s a one-time event. Once this initial indexing process is complete, the app will store the index on your device, and any new photos you add to your photo library will be automatically added to the index on the subsequent app launches.”

    If your experience is different you may let the dev know so they can fix it.

  • I use rofi as my app launcher and more. I’ve share my old script here.

    I have now extended this script to support the following:

    • execute a command if the input text belongs to /bin or /usr/local/bin
    • do some basic maths (using menu-calc)
    • open url in my web browser if the input text starts starts with http(s) or ends with .xxx (where x is any letter)
    • translate the input text in English/French using the deepl website if the input text starts with dpen/dpfr
    • search the input text with searx (if all the above failed)
    • manage my web bookmarks (using buku)
    • manage my clipboard (using copyq)
    • manage my passwords and autofill fields (using pass)
    • manage bluetooth devices
    • manage audio sinks and sources
    • manage my wifi and vpn
    • manage my tmux sessions

  • Khal is also my app of choice for calendars, though it may not suit OP requirements since files are .ics Everything is kept in sync on my phone with Etar and DavX5.
    Note that khal itself is the CLI aspect. It’s interactive interface (ikhal) is really the TUI aspect of this app.

    ikhal is great to manage events but I prefer to use the command-line to create events. And this is the only minor complaint I have against khal: its lengthy commands and lack of user friendly dates support (like “today”, “next mon”…). Luckily all of that is easily fixable with a script which I should upload on my codeberg one day… I actually ended up adding edition and deletion support using (neo)vim and fzf so I don’t use ikhal anymore but only creating events is really faster and easier with my script compare to using ikhal.

  • I’ve been using xterm, urxvt, and st. Also tested alacrity, kitty, and wezterm. Your shell also plays a critical role in your terminal usage (but I won’t deviate here).
    For my use-case, the latter are overkill so I stayed with st. The only missing feature for me was image support even though I use it sporadically. To cover that I use a script that relies on ueberzug or ucollage if I need to browse folders.

    I’ve wrote a small post about ucollage if you’re interested.

  • This is my neovim visual config:

        -- General colors
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "Normal", { bg = "none" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "NormalFloat", { bg = "none" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "NormalNC", { bg = "none" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "LineNr", { bg = "none" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "SignColumn", { bg = "none" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "Folded", { bg = "#4b4b4b" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "FoldColumn", { bg = "none" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "Visual", { fg = "#000000", bg = "#de935f" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "NotifyBackground", { bg = "#000000" } )```
        -- Spell checking 
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "SpellLocal", { fg = default } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "SpellRare", { fg = default } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "SpellCap", { fg = "#de935f", italic=true } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "SpellBad", { fg = "#ff0000", italic=true } )
       -- Markdown
       vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "htmlBold", { bold=true } )
       vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "htmlItalic", { italic=true } )
       vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "htmlStrike", { fg = "#ff0000", strikethrough=true } )

    vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, “Normal”, { bg = “none” } ) is probably what would work for you.

  • There’s a hype around floorp right now. Certainly because it’s new and it offers a high level of aesthetic customization.

    Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me because:

    1. it takes up too much RAM compared to others. Even though people don’t really care about that on modern machine it goes against my philosophy.

    2. I’ve been tweaking Firefox for a long time to get the highest privacy possible but it was extremely painful and I don’t want to redo that with floorp.

    3. my system look is extremely minimalist and I remove any visual effects in apps I use which would go against the point of floorp.

    These are some reasons why I went with librewolf since it was released in 2020. It’s efficient, well maintained, kept up to date with the latest Firefox version, and most importantly to me: deeply respectful of your privacy. Their privacy approach is very well explained in the FAQ It passed all the EFF tests better than any browser I’ve tested after hours of tweaks.

    This is only my personal experience and preference. Per the Floorp developer himself privacy is not given the utmost care and users should prefer librewolf in that regard. If you want to use normal privacy and excellent Firefox derivatives, with no doubts, floorp will fit your needs.