• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Here’s a pro tip: sleep a lot the day before, and ideally the day before that too. On the important night don’t exhaust yourself with gaming or whatever, but don’t force it. You’ll end up sleeping maybe 4h, but if you slept well the previous two days, you’ll be fine.

    Sleep deprivation only really shows over prolonged periods of time. You can ace a lot of tests with the above method.

  • Tourists are not culture. They’re a zombie plague.

    I promise you, if you move there, learn Spanish and start working for a local company, you’ll learn that people there are extremely welcoming to foreigners.

    But if all you want is an Instagram shot in the same spot as the other 16 million people who visited just this year a city of 1.6m, and an “authentic” paella (you won’t get an authentic one, trust me, but you’ll be told it is and you’ll keep bragging about it to your colleagues once you return from your vacay, even though the thing you tried tastes nothing like what a paella should taste, digression end), then you bring a negative cultural value. You’re an annoyance, and a one that’s not worth whatever financial benefit it brings.

    One could also argue that most of your financial contribution goes to making hotels and landlords richer, and nobody really needs that.

    So, I’m with people of Barcelona who paint “fuck you tourists” on their walls.

  • Definition of a country is a weird thing as there is no institution to certify that. Countries exist through an acknowledgement by everyone. So, those “international waters” are only international for parties that recognize Taiwan as an independent country.

    So, you can keep insisting that this is a simple fact, but actually it’s by definition an opinion. E.g. it could be international waters in the opinion of one country and not be in the opinion of the other.