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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • That’s not what’s happening here.

    I don’t see why we can’t both be right. The R’s are fracturing and the Democratic party is moving rightward as it absorbs the moderate Rs.

    Of course the Democratic party is going to support and amplify the GOP falling to pieces.

    Yes, they do. My larger point (mentioned in a separate comment) is, after the dust of the election settles, which voters will the Democratic party cater to? They aren’t just gonna let those modeRate voters sit and spin, right? Leftwing Democrats are democrats too and they’ve been hoping for a chance to pull the party left. Things important to leftists are kinda getting ignored this campaign in favor of hard right Dems, and leftists of course must vote for kamala and hope to use their voices, after getting her elected, to try n move the party left.

    For leftists, watching the DNCs embrace voters to the right of the entire Democratic party is like watching that dream die in real time.

  • My fatto catto has somehow learned to catch chipmunks but i am unsure if he cant (because he is mostly toothless) kill them or wont. He will bring them to me to show his prowess just… Jammed in his jaws until i praise him and give him a treat to drop the lil guy who quits playing dead and scampers off. Three chipmunk messiahs have been ressurrected thusly.

    Funnily enough this has not caused the chipmunks to respect him. A younger chipmunk came up while my killer was recharging in the sun and pulled his butt hair and once he had his attention, scampered off to his safe space on the fence to chirp. I dunno if it’s the same guy but when my cat is inside there’s one little dude who will come by my door to looking for him. Shits like Tom and Jerry out here