i’m a turtle

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • “The Savage Mouth” by Komatsu Sakyou, which involves

    Tap for spoiler

    A man eating himself in a locked hotel room and relishing every bite. Very body horror, much terrifying, cops rule it a homicide

    Or “Cogwheels” by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, which

    Tap for spoiler

    ends abruptly with the author’s real-world suicide. Story is the thinnest veneer of fiction, and at some point I think he just stopped writing a story and was trying therapy on a page, then gave the fuck up on everything.

  • yeah but so’s lunchables. pyrrhic victory

    neatly partitioned meats and cheeses appeal to me on an aesthetic level ok mfer

    ham cheese. ham cracker. cheese cracker. ham and cheese cracker. ham and cheese

    could even do it like a little big mac so it’s like cracker ham cheese cracker ham cheese cracker

    shit there’s nobody says you can’t go like ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham. great big ol hampuck just for me.

  • One time a girl invited me to sleep with her, and I looked at her filthy pillowcases and bullshitted my way into sleeping on her couch, after countering her insistence with the extreme option of “if you’re not gonna let me sleep on your couch, I’m going home.”

    I thought she literally meant actual sleep, and what she wanted was sex.

    I slept on her couch and she sobbed softly through a closed door.

    I found out about a decade later, from a mutual friend, that girl had the biggest hots for me and was gonna stop at nothing to fuck me.

    Well, she was stopped by my obliviousness.

    I was ace and sex-repulsed even back then, so even if I had figured her out, I prolly would have had a small panic attack and tried to go home.

  • Yup, I mostly just assume everyone except my wife doesn’t really want anything to do with me and that I’m probably a giant creep to everyone else, so I don’t make eye contact and I try my best to ignore hints lest I get them wrong.

    The hilarious part of all this is that I’m asexual and sex-repulsed, and I’m one of the least creepy and perverted people on the planet, but try telling my subconscious that.

    I even check in with my wife sometimes and ask her if she still loves me. She does.

  • I’m a trans woman, so I just keep my head level, pretend I don’t see them, and just walk on by, lest some low-information voter think I’m a child molester and try to get me.

    That said, children are absolute trash at paying attention to their destination and their environment, so when they inevitably cross my path in the dumbest possible way, I stop walking until they figure out they should go around me. That way I don’t accidentally kick the tiny knee-high humans.

    I was one, once.