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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I don’t know which thread you’re reading, but you’re not summarizing this thread. You’re having difficulty following apparently. Here’s the original post:

    “It’s funny just reading the headline… Experts warn that Chinese research is getting good? Like, is that a bad thing, or why do we have to be warned about it xD isn’t research in general just good” This was posted by lemmy user: @Azzu@lemm.ee

    I am summarising this thread. This, from what you quoted:

    warn that Chinese research is getting good? Like, is that a bad thing, or why do we have to be warned about it

    is precisely what I was referring to with

    • why is it bad that X country is doing better

    You’re right on this part. Your quote there, and my quote in prior posts which match that, are the answer to that original poster.

    …and then you proceeded to convey the same sentiment in the discussion:

    the decline of USA’s science research indicates a problem in the USA. That is a problem, wouldn’t you agree?

    The strawman I am talking to does not realise that they are being parochial and continues to argue instead of correcting their behaviour.

  • People are upset at the lack of an episode 9 and 10 to finish the season, and while upset, one is more like to pick up on everything and anything else that could be interpreted as bad. Then one wants to find validation online. So the internet is rife with people upset at the series, picking it apart and complaining about all the details that can be complained about - things that few would have complained about had there been an episode 9 and 10 to resolve at least some of the now highly pressurised cliffhangers.

    Edging is fun until you realise you’re actually not getting any.

    I liked the season and enjoyed every episode, except in some sense the finale. It was good TV, but I felt stressed for most of its duration because they kept drawing it out and I couldn’t imagine how they would manage to resolve all the built-up tension in the time left. When there was about 10 minutes left I began to realise that all these things they were talking about on the screen were unlikely to materialise, but thought that maybe they’d focus it all on a spectacular scene in King’s Landing. All hope left me when it was down to 5.

    I want to complain about how they spent their screen time, but I’d rather there were simply 2 more episodes because I enjoy the pace. Maybe they could have cut the mud fight.

  • Dubious is your opinion on any subject.

    Whatever your reason for saying that is, there is nothing I could possibly reply with that would make you consider any perspective I have to offer. Yet, here I go.

    Al menos hablas español? O sos un chanchito del hemisferio norte jugando a revolucionario?

    I understand Spanish to some degree because I have family in Colombia, but I suck at using it. I could trivially use a translation tool to help me compose a witty response, but that would change nothing.

    5 M expatriates were held out of the ellection. Even with put the tallies, the ellection is a complete farse…

    The fact that this is besides the point is the very point I’m making: stay. the. fuck. out. of. other. countries’. internal. politics. It’s really quite simple. Unless you are an imperialist, obviously.

  • Not to mention the problem of what life is even supposed to do beyond a certain point of development. The depressing fact is that there is a finite amount of knowledge to be gained, a finite amount of resources to harvest, a finite diversity of life to contend or thrive alongside with. Once a pocket of life in this massive universe begins to run out of things to do and stagnates, then what? What is there to think about; to feel; to experience?

    There’s little point in exploring space if one know how this universe works. One knows the rules, knows all the ways it can play out, and there’s no surprise waiting on the other end of any venture one can imagine embarking on.

    That’s my theory. The Great Filter is just depressive boredom. We don’t see other life because by the time a civilisation is able and ready to spend thousands of years travelling through deep space, they’ll have already lost any motivation they might have had to do so.

    I suspect that there’s at best a very short window wherein a species is both knowledgeable enough to dream of space exploration and technologically capable of sending any significant amount of artificial constructions out there.

    Not to mention that anything an alien species might send into interstellar space is unimaginably unlikely to be recorded exactly at precisely the moment they pass another lump of matter - especially if the window is as short as I fear.