• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Well, if they’re much past infancy, there’s only so much that could be done until they’re adults anyway. Afaik, the kind of hormonal treatments to cause growth work way less past the early years. After that, it tends to need surgical intervention to change, but that’s just based on the last time I was reading up on it, which has been about a year at this point.

    That being said, it’s worth talking to their doctor because the underlying causes can cause other problems that would be better detected early.

    It’s a really simple thing to have checked, it’s just measuring the penis and comparing that to charts. No trauma involved, no complicated procedure, and unless it does point to a formal diagnosis there’s no further action needed.

    It’s one of those things where knowing can give everyone involved time to prepare for anything down the road.

  • Well, no, not really.

    Being a “grower” isn’t the same thing at all.

    Someone putting on weight could be called buried penis. Totally different thing as well.

    Libido loss doesn’t have anything to do with the penis itself, directly. There may be an underlying hormonal issue that causes both, but that’s still different. And, sometimes people with micropenis may have psychological issues with their penis that interferes with libido as well. But, again that’s not the same thing.

    And, no, it doesn’t “turn” micro later. By definition, it’s an inborn thing. It would be called something else if it happens later in life.

    The most recent research into this is barely a year old, but it only backed up and refined previous information; this stuff has been documented and studied since at least the seventies, since that’s when the first surgeries for altering the condition took place. And that’s just as far as I know currently.

    It’s maybe one of those things where there’s a gap between the actual definition of a medical term and the colloquial usage, but I’m going off of the medical version. Again, from that standard, it is inborn, with the key factor in causing it being hormonal abnormalities in utero. The reasons for those hormonal issues are varied, and may have other symptoms after birth, but for it to be micropenis instead of something else, it’s an in utero malformation.

  • Man, it’s a tough one.

    In theory, nobody should be disenfranchised by age at all. But at what age would they be able to vote, as in understand what to do, how to do it, and do so without adult supervision?

    Until they reach that point, it’s essentially their parents or guardians getting an extra vote.

    And then you have to look at other things we limit minors on by virtue of not being able to make informed decisions. So, would we go with driving age, since that’s when we trust them with a ton of death machine? Drinking age? Age of consent for sex (which isn’t always 18)?

    If we change it away from 18 to lower, showing that they have the full rights of any citizen, why don’t they get those other rights with enfranchisement? Why is someone able to vote like someone that has the ability to make an informed choice, but they can’t drink? Hell, that’s already a problem since 18 year olds can be sent to fight and die in the military, but can’t have a beer legally.

    I would be fine with 16 being the age of majority for everything if the individual wanted it. You wanna step into adult life, with all the rights and responsibilities, I don’t have an objection to that at 16. I had too many patients that were married and working before 18 to pretend that it isn’t realistic for someone that age to step into adulthood. I don’t think it’s the best choice, but I wouldn’t fight it if the world decided that way.

    I could definitely made an informed decision for voting at 16. I had access to alcohol, and was able to make the decision to not use it, same with tobacco. I had access to sex, and made the decision to make it safe sex. I was a decent driver, and didn’t have even a fender bender until I was 19, and I wasn’t the one that caused it then. All of the stuff that we limit to “adults”, I know I would have been fully capable of making informed and conscientious decision about any of them.

    But I also knew other teenagers that were absolute morons that couldn’t be trusted not to jerk off in the school bathroom. I knew 16 yos that wrecked cars and put other people’s lives at risk in the process. So I’m okay with the age of majority being 18 too; some of those morons would just flip a coin for their vote, and the mock votes we’d have in school were laughable across the board.

    Not everyone can make an informed and conscientious decision at 30, much less 18.

    So I don’t really think it needs to change, but I agree with you that it sucks that it’s so arbitrary.

  • Yeah, that’s true. I just don’t think that way. Kinda dumb of me to not consider the possibilities. I mean, it could be a step-dad, and they didn’t become anon’s dad until later. Could have been deployed in the military and didn’t have the chance. Someone else pointed out that the dad could have been older, in the actual baby boomer range; and that reminded me that I had assumed anon was a younger person when that doesn’t have to be the case

    I just default to the idea of fatherhood that I was raised around, and how I wanted to be a dad. Couldn’t get out of my own head before I commented lol. You’d think I’d know better

  • Micropenis is typically noticed in the initial physical exam after birth. The upper limit for that criteria is about half of the typical/normative, so it’s visually distinct even at birth. It’s not determined by erect length at all.

    Penises do grow over time, no matter what size they start, but there’s limits to how much. Even as puberty hits, someone with a micropenis will only get so much extra because of the underlying limitations of the tissues. If someone of normative length gets a 10% change (as an example, I don’t recall the actual number ranges for pubertal changes), that same basic range is all the person with a micropenis is going to get too.

    And you’re exactly right, it has next to zero impact on long term relationships. I wanna say that out of maybe fifteen or sixteen patients I had that fit the criteria, all but three had kids. So it’s definitely not a barrier to sex at all. The one patient I had that was unusually talkative about it (most of them would just state the fact and describe any special needs they’d have for bathing, then never mention it again) said that once he read “the joy of sex” and learned how to do oral, he and his wife did fine, which she said was true as well, fwiw.

  • Well, considering the is dated last year, I didn’t consider that anon would be old enough to have boomer parents and be coming out late in life, but that is possible. I sometimes forget that my generation hasn’t all come out yet. I’m just so used to the only people coming put in my life being under 30, that it’s become three unconscious association that someone coming out has to be younger.

    You’d think I’d know better, what with seeing the occasional article about someone from my mom’s age range deciding it’s time to transition, and she was at the tail end of the baby boom.

  • Yeah, it’s pretty obvious.

    It tends to happen the most with other atypicalities, but even when it doesn’t, it just doesn’t look right. Humans have certain proportions, ratios, and we can usually tell when someone is off by a fairly small margin. Genitals are no different in that regard.

    You might not immediately think “micropenis”, but you’d be able to tell things weren’t normative.

    Now, it might be pretty easy to shove that aside and assume it would grow later on, and they do. They just don’t grow to normative proportions, they stay micro, just not the same size as they start.

  • southsamurai@sh.itjust.worksto> Greentext@lemmy.mlSupportive dad
    16 hours ago

    Did the dad never change any diapers?

    Micropenis is almost always evident from birth. Always afaik, but I’m leaving room for edge cases I’ve never heard of.

    So you’d have to be a pretty hands off dad not to see it, even if it somehow wasn’t noticed or reported to the parents by the doctors involved.

    Edit: also, obviously fake and gay, forgot where I was for a second and was pretending it was real for discussion/entertainment sake.

  • I’ve heard similar a lot. Not necessarily the exact phrasing you used, but close enough when it wasn’t essentially a difference in which term was used instead of “stupid”

    But I agree. Pretty much any drama is stupid to at least a small degree, because drama is stupid. You handle a problem, or you don’t; drama is just being loud for attention, be it from the people involved, or hangers on.

    The scale doesn’t even matter. Small scale family drama is just as stupid as drama around a singer, or some YouTube talking head.