• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It was this way with our family dog growing up, that we got when I was maybe 5 or 6. Dad finally acquiesced begrudgingly after years of my older siblings wearing him down, and we got the last of a family friend’s dog’s puppies. Other than a few irregular chores the rest of us had of cleaning up after her, he ended up doing all the hard work of training her and making sure she was cared for properly. He had had dogs when he was younger and I think knowing how difficult the eventual loss is, is what kept us from getting one earlier. We all loved that dog but his actions showed he did the most.

  • If they own 30% of the wealth they should be paying far more than 30% of taxes. After taxes and the cost of living comfortably, they are steadily increasing the wealth disparity and benefiting from a society where they are exploiting the lower classes, especially considering that a sizable number of people in the full-time working lower classes are not ever able to reach a level of basic comfort and security, as a direct result of them hoarding not just wealth but power, and not paying “their fair share” of either.