Duckduckgo is lying? How so?
Duckduckgo is lying? How so?
Don’t believe his lies
I wish I hadn’t read this.
As I said above:
Maybe more and more words will be blacklisted over time, slowly eroding the english language until nothing more can be said or expressed out of fear of spooking the advertisers. Nobody will be able to post anything, effectively reducing the platform to a useless, content-less desert filled to the brim with ads only. It will serve no purpose but to spread the consumer’s gospel. It will happen slowly. Nobody in the general public will notice. Shareholder value has never been greater. The system works. Consume. Continue.
Maybe more and more words will be blacklisted over time, slowly eroding the english language until nothing more can be said or expressed out of fear of spooking the advertisers. Nobody will be able to post anything, effectively reducing the platform to a useless, content-less desert filled to the brim with ads only. It will serve no purpose but to spread the consumer’s gospel. It will happen slowly. Nobody in the general public will notice. Shareholder value has never been greater. The system works. Consume. Continue.
I can go on for quite a while. Millenial disillusionment is real.
Surely this situation will improve with your newly elected president!
Robot chicken!
This. Why is this system not exploitable by us? What do we need ti make this work for us? Also: if the system is known, why is nothing done about it?
Easy there, satan. No need to be inhumane.
Hmm I didnt know you could recycle filament. That is certainly positive. So that would mean you could take a 3D printed object and melt it down (?) and make something new out of it? Is it infinitely recyclable or does it lose certain properties? And is that easy to do and do people actually do that? (I don’t mean to sound negative, I’m genuinely curious)
Honestly, how much of the 3D printed crap ends up in landfills? It’s the summum of our low quality, fast-creation, use once (twice?) and throw-away culture. This has to be one of the least eco friendly ways of product creation.
Why tf would you support this kind of bullshit? Do you really crave the brainrot? Do you really need this much of an escape? It’s a cancer and you’re actively injecting yourself with it. Why?
Social media really is a cancer. If you can’t even say a word like “die” because it will potentially upset advertisers, then I guess I’d rather have the internet…die. (That’s right, Meta, I dared to say that forbidden word. You better never train your AI on federated content! )
The question of course being: what will you do or can you do if it’s not accepted? How far will someone go to make their vote count? Many people would likely not bother with it, which could make this a quite succesful way of sabotaging.
It’s a considered a naughty word amongst the edgy nine year olds that created this meme
Milhouse is not a meme
I heard it was because it’s a single income home where the father works long hours at some powerplant and the mother is a housewife swamped with chores and keeping a household of 5 people and two animals afloat. The boy may have severe adhd and is overshadowed by his genius brainy younger sister. The parents may be too concerned over his youngest sibling, which still hasn’t spoken significantly in 30 years. So yeah, tough situation there.