- You don’t need to understand to fix/survive/save. You heard there’s a way to … , but you would have to … . And it makes no sense but that’s how you can influence it.
Damn you. I backed.
Which God?
My first reaction would be that they summon, permit it to enter our world, and are the first ones to die as the entity/god just doesn’t care.
Inspiration could be found in End of the world: wrath of the gods, or Fate of Cthulhu.
Or the original followers become their ennemies to be the first to summon the gods.
Thx. Will check!
Any self-hosted software to recommend?
Never played DnD but the US community is 90% DnD so…
I play Shadowrun and Blades in Dark for now.
It depends. For example, whois wasn’t GDPR compliant (this EU law about sharing of data). Now, most of them are hidden, just in case.
SR6 is way better now. There’s also another system (Anarchy) is you want.
And.since a year or two, there are metaplans.
She responds to this point in the interview.
You have to scan a qr code when installing an app on another device. I assume it’s a safe way to transmit the key without having it transmitted over the network.