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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I can’t remember the numbers, but the recent NPR Politics podcast mentioned that a large percentage (upper 90s I think) of voters are eligible to mail in vote this election. Many with no reason necessary.

    I’m personally voting at my polling place on the day, but that’s because I have the time, line in a small town and don’t want to burden the counters with mail to open and verify.

    It sounds like even Republicans realize the value of mail in voting, as Dejoy is even reviewing the handling of mail in ballots at USPS.

  • It was a distributed way to fund media instead of banner ads. I think it would have been a tough sell, but imagine if all the 30% stakes that PayPal, Apple, Patreon, take were direct to creators?

    This of course would all depend on a reliable search engine that could actually find things worth supporting.

    Instead we had Geocities and Live Journal jamming ads all over to make it a “free” service, until it wasn’t. Now we have Google, TikTok and Facebook to replace them but that could turn it all off whenever they want.