Outages 🔥


💓 https://fedihosting.foundation


  • 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Hi all,

    For the sake of transparency, we are responding here, as remaining silent will also send a message to the community. We are actively reviewing all the information posted in this thread and all other linked sources. The entire team is being brought up to speed on the events that have taken place, but this process may take some time. We are all in different time zones, and many of us have professional and personal obligations that may take priority. Please bear with us, as there is a lot to review. We promise that after our review, we will respond to the community.

    Thank you.

    The FHF / LW Admin Team

  • Doesn’t matter if they are hosted here or not. The way federation works is that threads on different instances are cached locally.

    We have NO issues with the people at db0 - we are just looking out for ourselves in a ‘better safe than sorry’ fashion while we find out more. As mentioned in the OP we would like to unblock as soon as we know we can not get in any legal trouble.

  • Sure. But we’re a group of volunteers and we would not like to find out the hard way what is possible and what not. We would think meta discussions about piracy should be allowed as long as there is no linking to actual illegal content.
    But is pointing to locations with illegal content legal or not? And having members/admins worldwide it makes it even harder to be sure.

    We don’t want to find out the hard way and this is a better safe than sorry measure. Again we personally have nothing against the people on these communities or against the communities itself.