• 14 Posts
Joined 5 days ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2024


  • got through 40 minutes… but too long.

    sign of a desperate collapsing empire for US to vote for Trump, who threatens BRICS and everyone else with massive tariffs.

    Biden has been exceptionally skillful in strengthening the devotion level of colonies to US even as majority of the world moves away. Germany loves US’s bombing of Nordstream, FFS, and Australia spending equivalent share of GDP of US of $8T for imported nuclear subs to protect its trade with China from China, as a gauge for level of submission. US colonies are accepting recession to help prop up US economy.

    Trump’s style of overtly embarrassing everyone else can’t work as well. And certain collapse of alliances is certain to follow. Military coups in Europe will result if they don’t. US collapses without its colonies.

  • That said, the key thing here should be ensuring that the people of Ukraine benefit from their own resources

    Lyndsay Graham is one of the loudest neocon parasites. Even when he says this in front of Zelensky, you can be sure it is to help destroy Ukraine so that Blackrock can bid the lowest possible amount for them. There was plenty of opportunity prior to war for west or Russia to bid “fair prices for benefit of Ukrainian people” for resource development. Ukraine corruption meant that below fair prices were still possible then. Rock bottom prices is what is most likely now.

  • Strawman article. Money multiplier is mostly from fiscal policy.

    For monetary policy, all money not stored under a mattress is money that stays in the banking system. Bank profits/capitalization does impact credit appetitite, and a certain path to profits is provided by a Fed doing QE, where buying bonds becomes a sure thing that Fed will pay more than you did. Buying bonds is a bank activity that competes with credit, but fractional reserve helps give a sends of prudence to reinvesting low deposit rate funds, and having high fees for accounts, to maximizing reserve leverage at low risk.

    Redistribution from rich to poor, and oligarch to employee, is what boosts the money multiplier. Poor spend everything by definition, and employees feel confident in spending, such that all money flows back up to the oligarchs. Oligarchs trading paper does not boost economy/multiplier as much.

  • A poll released Monday conducted by Arab News/YouGov found that Trump led Harris 45 percent to 43 percent among Arab Americans. Those voters said that they viewed Trump as more supportive of Israel’s current government, but that he was more likely to end the conflict.

    In 2020, FL Hispanics were bombarded with ads saying that Biden would give away Florida to Castro as part of his love for communism or deport them all to Cuba. Trump won FL by a large margin, mostly because Miami area was not as blue as in the past. 60% of FL voters still voted for $15 minimum wage.

    In 2020, also, heavily hispanic southern counties of TX went pro Trump on ads that there would be a lot of work in the counties from building walls.

    AIPAC lobby has spent record amounts on primaries for democrats this year where the incumbent supported a ceasefire. The only ones AIPAC won were ones where they did not mention Israel at all. Other Republican PACs are blanketing Arab zip codes with how pro Israel Harris is, and Jewish zip codes with how she is a muslim plant.

    While Trump very proudly has RFK boast of his desire to end the most stupid war the US has ever conducted, Trump is favoured by Netanyahu, including reported daily strategy calls on how to sabotage Biden’s fake constraints policies. He is more likely to believe any benefits Netanyahu tells him of a full war on Iran/Lebanon/Syria over any prudence.

    Trump’s main claim for 2020 election “rigging” is that a Hunter Biden laptop existed, without anything implicating President on it. But republican rigging of misinformation, and vote suppression, just wasn’t enough even though that nothing story was still all over the news.

    There are serious problems with US electoral system, and it is orders of magnitude worse every cycle.