Irelands main crop for food is and was potato’s, but it’s a beer drinking nation.
Irelands main crop for food is and was potato’s, but it’s a beer drinking nation.
Voter’s have failed us. The Dems have failed us. The justice system has failed us.
Trump has highlighted the fragility of the system. The Dems have had multiple years to fix some of it. They did none. Then they ran a mediocre candidate in the same vein as Hilary, who failed against Trump before.
Voter’s need to realise that if they disagree with the Dems, voting for the GOP is not necessarily a better option. Voting third party is worse than voting someone you disagree with.
The Dems need to realise that they won’t get Republican voters to vote for them. They should try to excite and plan for the voters based on good policy. Trying to play both sides gets you neither side. Be progressive or leave the Dems and be a Republican. There is no moderates in either side when one side is not negotiating in good faith.
Let the voters choose between two alternative visions. Not one vision, or the same vision with a racist demagogue at the front.
It’s scary times ahead. However, it’s been scary times for years now, so we are all used to it. Maybe that’s the problem. We all want change. Trump promises it. He’s just promising disruptive change without a coherent plan. Where is the Dems coherent plan for change?
End of glenroe. (Ireland)
If only journalism was this blunt at an earlier point than after he won, again.
I don’t play a lot of open world games. But, sf6 takes an age to load before you even try to match. I expected almost instant, similar to a cartridge console.
LLM are already good at tone for letters etc. As much as it may not be 100%, I’d say it’s close. Using flowery language is not necessarily better. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a Dutch book translated to English. If this makes art more accessible across language barriers, I’m all for it.
Yep, no difference from PS4 for any game. This fast loading they talk about, minimal.
You mean in military aid or are you trying to muddy the waters? Humanitarian aid is the opposite of military aid. Without the military aid to Israel, it may be they don’t need as much in Palestine.
Similar for Facebook, Microsoft etc. It will be interesting to see how long before they start to lose market dominance, or how anti trust laws work worldwide.
Where Mr robot is an unreliable narrator that questions himself, devs has a paranoia that someone else is controlling the narrative to purposefully make you question,
Making an effort and hanging a bad made costume is better than a bought costume. It should be about creativity, not money.
I’d still give candy to kids. Not teens. I’d give extra candy to kids that made an effort in whatever way.
I don’t mind that they simplify it. It makes it easier for more users. Its the fact that even advanced users can’t access it. Not a problem with a perfect app on a perfect operating system with perfect interoperability. None of those exist.
More likely from soundcard settings than printer settings. If you’re channelling, its due to wrong number of channels selected.
But if the essential parts are left undone for a period due to not paying staff and they leave as insolvent, how many people would die from contaminated water or similar.
It should be allowed to fail, but a plan to ensure continuity is needed.
That and the fort trial. Or where Jen breaks the internet.
I usually just wet my pants to avoid touching my own penis so I don’t get perceived as gay. Shit, I just used the word perceived. Gay af.
If they were due to expire, all together, that would be odd, but not necessarily an issue. The article points to them not advertising the expiration, like they do for other films. Surely the filmmakers can comment on that if its odd.
It would be quite disappointing from Netflix to do so after they were ambivalent about other controversial topics like comedy specials with bigoted views that were offensive to many. They claimed to make no judgement on content but make it available for people to decide.
The meme is saying that Israelis rights to the land dont override the rights of other peoples, like the Palestinians. Its pointing out that many who think Israel are doing nonwrong would not be infavour of native Americans bombing their cities, or even giving up their land.
Yes, but there was unlikely to be 100% turnout of horrible people. Some good people voted for Trump, in what we see as misguided but tolerant of racism. However many more racist people stayed home and didn’t vote and many more didn’t care about racism enough to vote.
Trump in the USA and people’s response to covid (worldwide) really highlighted selfishness of humanity to me. I’m a less hopeful person because of it but that doesn’t mean I won’t fight for what’s right.