Gifted Autistic Sysadmin, Anti-Corporate activist

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  • 70 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023


  • If you would read the book, they explain the point you are trying to make in the first couple of pages.

    You have your opinion of how stuff should be done. But that doesnt mean everyone else needs to do it your way. Thats how we got into this mess.

    Also very good analogy in the book: if you vote or not is your decision, plain and simple. But voting takes a couple minutes on average. If you want change, you can hang up a poster or print some flyers or take a megaphone, depending on what you‘re comfortable with.

    I come from a country where people used to be put in gas chambers because the responsibility didnt reach far enough down and right now, that same country is going that exact route again.

  • If I‘m not completely mistaken, the chip is the same as on my oneplus6. I run postmarketOS/phosh but camera is dead for now. I dont have enough insight to grasp if its just a legal issue or more. I feel like the two projects are quite similar but the differences are hard to grasp really. Whats your background and do you have experience with postmarketos? How do you experience mobians installation and documentation?

    Have a good one.