You may want to test Trilium Next, you can self host it and it has a lot of features. Used Logseq before but got tired of syncing on all devices.
This cow should do the trick.
## Lum...
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I think none, I created the environment variable on my .zshrc
file with: export LINUX_COPYPASTA="..."
I really love how LazyVim have support for a lot of languages as Extras. Once I needed Go formatting so, installed Go extra, restarted NeoVim and all was ready, in less than a minute!
Motherboard is an ASRock G31M-VS2 with a Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz. If I’m not confused Libreboot would replace the BIOS firmware?
For example one of the most heavy computations are the facial recognition on Immich when new photos are uploaded, load avg. goes to 5-8, the 2 cores @100% for “few” minutes then idle again.
I installed Debian 12 on my 14yo Pentium E5400 PC with 4GB RAM. I have installed on it: Pi-Hole, Jellyfin, Deluge, Grocy, Heimdall, HortusFox, Inventree, Portainer, Radicale, Speedtest Tracker, Trilium, WatchYourLan. Also have various samba shares. In the last year I have learnt a lot of server/Docker stuff, my server is not connected to Internet though. It’s been fun. I have had luck watching some HD videos through Jellyfin but others totally spike processor load avg. to 20 when normal values is 0.2, lol.
Not if you update every 4 hours ;-)