• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I’ve heard this phenomenon. That us Aussies go over there, especially to the south and are shocked at how cheerful ppl are with their small chat and how you goings as compared to here where we’re less inclined to strike up a conversation with a random.

    But then I’ve had American friends explain that it’s all surface. That smiling yank agrees with Trump or reports their neighbours to the HOA for having grass over a centimetre high, or wants to go back to the good old days when the blacks knew their place.

    Half the country wants Trump back. Fuck that.

  • Keep the day job for now and start volunteering what time you can spare to a cause that resonates with you.

    That might be the night time soup kitchen, or planting trees with your local working bee, or companionship sessions with the local nursing home. You may find an idea for a vocation reveals itself, and be in a position to hear about any opportunities.

    Lefty friendly and community work are pretty well aligned so I think that’s a start.

    I feel you re IT and related industries. I just want to close my laptop and never open it again, but it’s not an option right now.

  • I’ve never tried lucid dreaming. I’m an insomniac so I’m just chuffed if I manage to get any sleep, let alone control my own universe.

    But often when I do dream, I die in my dreams. Usually violently - gunshot or blunt instrument sort of deaths that I’m cowering from prior to. So I’m in genuine terror and horror before my death…And I swear, the millisecond before it happens (and I always wake up at the time of death) I feel the pain of it.

    It’s pretty fucked, tbh. I’ve lived a peaceful life with very little violence in it, and guns certainly aren’t a thing here. So I don’t know my brain can’t just chill out.

    Anyway - it’s why I’m a little frightened to try lucid dreaming. At least in spite of the fear there’s a sense of inevitability about my deaths in these dreams (i.e. my murderer has found me in my hiding place), somehow I feel like it’d be worse if I was trying and failing to fight back, or if I prolonged the inevitable death by trying to outsmart the person? Or could I just shut down that plot completely?

    Thanks for the session, do I just pay the receptionist on the way out or will you just invoice me?