I only speak english and german, no spanish
I only speak english and german, no spanish
something like tricorders, they’d be kinda usefull for medical personel or engineers, of course they wouldn’t be as advanced as in tng, but still
also I’ll get one as soon as they’re invented
anarcho-syndicalism theory and practice by rudolf rocker, it was let’s say enligthening, I was already an anarchist before reading it, but now I’m an anarcho-syndicalist
currently reading networking in the rust programming language btw
no, actually underfunded capitalist schools, that are lead like a company and not like an educational institution
remember, the less money the city has to spend on school lunches the more they can overfund their police
then why are companies in all industries reducing cost?
It’s to maximise profit, which is the goal of every company, also the consumer of a product is not necesarily the one who pays for it, there are enough catering services that provide high quality food, but the reason the cheapest is chosen is, because in the example of school lunches both, the service provider and customer are trying to minimise cost, the company in order to increase profits and the school/city because they’re underfunded
you don’t like cops, because they take a lot of resources for mostly nothing
I hate cops because I’m an anarchist and think the state shouldn’t have a monopoly on violence
we’re not the same
it’s ironic coming from you, I literally recognize you
that or they’re neets
> be tankie
> have wet dream
> counter strike voice
> terrorists win
members of the venguard party don’t usually end up in work camps tho, also those work camps are just educational instututions to denazify the population!!!11!11!
no, all authoritarians have the same values
not that often (maybe like 2 times a month)
you could literally host such a website on a phone
wow, who would’ve thought that building ghost cities out of tofu doesn’t lead to sustainable economic growth
speaking as someone who is currently trying to stop drinking every day: this looks delicios
|| to put it in programmers words: kill the children if they lost their use
an indian guy on a motor cycle being crushed by a truck