Ha, das ist ein bisschen witzig :)
Ha, das ist ein bisschen witzig :)
Da hat‘s die wehrhafte Demokratie den Nazis aber richtig gezeigt! Rechtssicherheit!!1!
Physikerin hier, wo ist das Problem?
It‘s also written in the profile picture of the account :)
Haha, a reference to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy!
Fortunately, snail speed doesn‘t scale linearly with size, as the relativ slowing down of oxygen diffusion into the cells would shut down metabolic processes in the snail and lead to its asphyxiation.
But we want not just a piece of the cake, but the whole damn bakery!
why would anyone work hard to become an attorney
Do you really think becoming an attorney is harder than, say, cleaning toilets 40h/week? I finished my master‘s degree in physics recently. Has it been stressful? Sure. But I could mostly choose my own rhythm to work, had a healthy balance of exercise and leisure, and had coffee breaks all the time. I know a carpenter and some farm workers, and I would have chosen uni over their work at any time. And chances are, once I get a „real job“ it will still be less hard than working on a field.
Wages are mostly a measure for how replaceable you are, not for how hard the work is.
Insbesondere 1TL Flohsamenschalen aufgelöst in Wasser wurden mir von Ärzten empfohlen.