
For all your owl related needs!

  • 259 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • anon6789@lemmy.worldOPtoSuperbowl@lemmy.worldUral Owl
    2 hours ago

    I hunt whitetail deer once a year and even that much meat is barely worth the effort.

    Most hunters I’ve met are decent people who care about animals and the environment, but then you have some real oddballs at the other end of the spectrum. I don’t know if those types have respect for much of anything, themselves included. I don’t know all the small mammals available in Austria, but if they’re much like squirrels or rabbits in NA, they aren’t all that exciting and tasty to be violating federal laws over.

    The owls didn’t leave or die off because they’ve lost their role, they’ve been eliminated by this same type of thoughtlessness. You will have a better overall environment, including for hunting, if you take care of your ecosystem, mainly by leaving it the heck alone.

  • anon6789@lemmy.worldOPtoSuperbowl@lemmy.worldUral Owl
    5 hours ago

    On the Austrian side, the action was temporarily suspended due to the illegal shooting of released owls and ongoing protests by hunters who feared a negative impact on small game hunting. A specific animal protection project of the Association for Landscape Conservation & Species Protection in Bavaria eV, founded in 2015, was the reintroduction of the Ural owl in the Steinwald Nature Park in Upper Palatinate.

    German Wiki

    I’d argue the restoration of natural populations of native animals is more important than sports entertainment. The killing of the owls sounds to mainly be a protest of sorts.

  • This photo was taken toward the end of the procedure, while the owl was still anesthetized (the orange tube is a monitor that goes down the esophagus and the clear tube is delivering oxygen and anesthetic gas into the owl’s trachea). The silver bar is an external fixator that holds all of the surgical pins in alignment, and padding is added around the bar and pins to keep the area protected. All of the metal pieces that hold the fractured bone in place are very lightweight - the total weight added is not even half the weight of one of this owl’s mouse meals!

  • Dr. Avery pins the owl’s fractured humerus while Wildlife Rehabilitation Manager Stephanie monitors the patient’s breathing, heart rate, temperature, and other vital signs. During this procedure, Stephanie was also manually administering breaths to the owl every ten seconds using the inflatable green bag in her left hand.

  • I do a lot of the posting, but you guys share your comments, and that’s just as important. I just like to read and research and teach.

    Danelle does seem to have been quite a catch! Her and Brendan know to have quite a magical life. I think they may even live in a treehouse, judging from one clip I found. Here she is talking a little and releasing an Eagle Owl.

    I’m glad you are enjoying all the “exotic wildlife” here. If I were Brendan, I’d definitely be sending her to do the press and soliciting the donations… She makes a great face for the organization! Then again, all rehabbers and vets are beautiful to me! 🥰

    Here’s a little blurb from their site about them:

    Realising that there was a rapid decline in owl numbers and that owls had become one of the most common wildlife casualties brought into veterinary practices, Brendan Murray and his wife, Danelle, decided fifteen years ago, to focus all their efforts on conserving them. The organisation they founded, Owl Rescue Centre, is based at Hartbeesp0ort in the North West Province, and now takes in approximately two- thousand owls every year through their rescue efforts. The owls are rehabilitated and when they can survive on their own in the wild, are released in the sanctuary- a farm which is located within a 12,000-hectare conservancy.

    Owl Rescue Centre is a registered Non-profit company and permitted rehabilitation facility concerned with the well-being of all owl species and wildlife in Southern Africa.

    Owl Rescue Centre is dedicated to protect owls, rescue owls that are in danger and rehabilitate and care for owls that have been injured, are sick, poisoned or orphaned and then release them back into their natural environment using specifically researched release methods. We are also involved in several conservation projects to decrease the high mortality rate of owl species.

  • Was without insurance on my last go round and went the no anesthesia route. Still got a bill from the anesthesiologist, who was of course with a different provider than the one who technically performed my scoping.

    Took a few go rounds in the phone with them, but I told them I very clearly remembered not having anesthesia, and if they were trying to charge for the “consult” I got from their anesthesiologist, which was simply, “oh, you’re not getting anesthesia, right?”, that I was in no way giving them the couple hundred dollars they were billing me.

    Actual experience wasn’t too bad. I think the prep is worse than the procedure, with it without anesthesia, I didn’t need to hang out as long after, and I could drive myself home after. If your getting one, you’ve likely already gotten the finger poke, and it wasn’t majorly worse than that. Plus you can watch your rear on TV!

    All the times I had it, I had to pay anyway, because while the providers are all network, the anesthesiologists all seem to not be and are the most expensive part. Private healthcare or no healthcare sucks.