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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I find it funny that you discount learning to grow crops as something that doesn’t help and can only be done on a $300k piece of land but also acknowledge the land alone isn’t what gives it value. Yes that’s why it’s important to know how to grow food. Which is apparently only useful to know if the world ends in the next five years according to you.

    It seems like you’re deliberately interpreting eveything I say in a way you can argue against it instead of the way I wrote it. Never told people to move, never told them to buy a farm, never told them to buy land but you argue against all those things as if my points hinges on them. What I said was learn to grow crops, not simply a vegetable garden that relies on annual trips to buy more miracle grown. That doesn’t mean you need a farm.

    Also interestingly enough if we check the CPI food items are rising faster than most other costs. Also sustainable and urban agribusiness demand is growing. Posturing yourself to understand and take advantage of that is the opposite of a financial mistake.

  • No on said to buy a farm. Use what’s available to you and ammend the soil, there are plenty of organic addatives that are free, low cost, or byproducts. Also make you own compost to continually add neutrients, aka grow food like a farmer not a gardener.

    The point is to know how to do it cyclically, with little if any input other than what you create. Its an investment in divesting from society, and a lesson in sufficience that you may need once the fact that China and Bill Gates own the most farmland in America becomes a more pressing issue.

    The guns are there because for any situation where food become that valuable, productive land anywhere becomes a target. Weather its pests, deers, boars, or humans.