Also Not a lot of Zeppos out here.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Only if you actually understand the studies, analyses, caveats, potential biases, and possible reasons for the results, which you don’t seem to have taken into account. Assuming you’re actually citing reliable research, which is unlikely, based on my experiences here. Again, it seems likely that conservatives lead in undiagnosed mental illnesses, which makes sense given the poor access to health care in many conservative majority states, and lower willingness to have their mental health evaluated.

  • Yeah bro, TDS, the left!

    We were comparing their debate performances as far as I can read it, so pretty sure that’s not “TDS” (which is an absurd term, and fuck Charles Krauthammer for introducing that to the lexicon - about Bush, of course). It’s worth noting that you made those claims about Harris’ performance while either accepting Trump’s or just overlooking his frankly insane behavior.

    I don’t really trust anyone once Theil is involved. Maybe that’s just my Theil Derangement Syndrome, since of course criticizing conservatives always means mental illness.

    There are other experts who have analyses too, of course. You might check out this one:

  • We can discuss Harris, sure. However, the topic was a debate - so yes, the idea is comparing the two. Trump was slovenly, unhinged and incoherent, but you somehow didn’t notice and claim that Harris did a bad job? Your interpretation is so distorted that I’m not sure it’s worth addressing.

    okay, so Silver is working for Peter Theil now. Good to know.

  • Yeah, reading it, I definitely mixed the two. The first one I was thinking of for sure had a lengthy very sci-fi set-and-setting exposition where it explained that people flew around in hovering vehicles and their legs had atrophied. I can’t remember the plot or anything that happened in the story, though, only that, so I think I just imagined that it had the plot of this Bradbury story. I’ve been wondering about it for a long time… I read it over 40 years ago and it was in a collection of stories probably published in the 60s.

  • Just imagine beholding Trump, everything from his very foolish appearance, to the horrible things he says, his complete lack of understanding about almost every issues (dumbfuck is still acting like other countries pay tariffs, to say nothing of retaliation and trade wars), his deranged ramblings, moody insults, defensiveness, and not being repulsed. Makes no sense to me. On the other hand I’ve seen people “I don’t like trump, but I’m voting for him because I think he’d be better on 2A”. Sure, brilliant.

  • “Acting foolish” in what way exactly? She actually expressed ideas for policy and acted professional while Trump just whined, attacked with lies and moaned in a slovenly way, with a few notable outbursts about bullshit.

    As of now, Trump is expected to beat Harris in the election.

    Expected by whom? That does not seem to be the consensus in any media I consume or with people I’ve talked to.

  • I’ve been trying to find this ridiculous sci-fi story I read in elementary school. I thought it was Ray Bradbury but then I recalled it was, I believe, from a collection edited by and/or with a foreword by Bradbury.

    The scenario was that people in the future had become so dependent on mechanized transportation that their legs atrophied. Walking around normally was seen as very strange as everyone used these hovering personal transport devices. I think the story basically just described the protagonist walking around town and taking strolls at night and how odd everyone else thought it was.

  • I also hate driving vehicles like this. It’s not comfortable to know you can’t see around you properly. They’re hard to park too and get terrible mileage.

    I had a gf with a full size Chevy, a Silverado or something, and basically hated driving it. We’d go mildly off roading on some dirt roads and when you were going uphill you couldn’t see the road ahead of you. Just awful. I had to stop and get out a few times to ensure we weren’t about to drive off a cliff. That never happened in the normal sized Subaru I had.