Professional game and software developer from Finland.



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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • Well since they were/are hosting Mastodon instance they do seem to have some interest in the fediverse. They do also have official plugins.

    Personally I feel something like this could be the next step for social link aggregation and discussion platforms. Being able to share and discuss on about videos and articles without having to register to dozens or more pages while also having some control over the people you interract with through instances, subscribed communities etc.

    Source media would also be unable to control what can or cannot be discussed. Many youtube videos and news articles for example may block all comments. It would be up to community on how to moderate discussion.

  • You could consider Ubuntu, Red Hat Linux and Oracle Linux to be about as standardized as Windows or Mac. These distributions are usually what larger enterprises use for servers and sometimes for software development, IT operations etc. These are about as standardized things get in the linux world.

    Now when it comes to using Linux as daily driver there are so many options out there and none of the distributions have really yet hit the mainstream. For my understanding it’s been long been battle between Ubuntu and Fedora with their derivatives but with SteamOS using Arch Linux would not be surprised if some sort of Arch based distribution with maximum Proton combatibility would gain popularity.

    Arch itself seems too minimal to be considered as “standardized” operating system.

  • The thing is that generative A.I is not really a new thing, secondly the question is not whether the technology will be transformative rather than if the investors can be patient enough to see that.

    When it comes to AGI generative A.I is probably part of it but I would guess we need breakthrough or two from other areas as well which could happen in next 5 years or take a decade or two.

  • Signed this few days a go.

    Many games already do this and I would like to give honorary mention to NeocoreGames who have done this to their Van Helsing and most recently with Warhammer Inquisitor. Latter one just recently got offline support with all past seasons playable.

    I dont think its unreasonable to require even live services or mmos to have robust end-of-life plan that quarantees customers that the game will remain playable in some form or another.

  • Well Reddit should just sue these companies and see if these companies are actually breaking any laws. Holding sizeable chunk of the internet hostage also sounds like something the EU and US might want to look in to as it very much sounds like anti-competitive conduct or market manipulation.

    Also if these companies want to have greater ownership over the content generated by their users they should also be much more liable for the content posted to their sites. I mean when something like the Section 230 was written they probably did not take this in to account. If these companies want to start selling user generated content then they should simply lose the immunity from liability.

  • With hundreds of games, updates, dlc, mods, merchandice, videos and streams appearing each passing day gaming communities would get flooded by spam if no such rules would be in place. If you want to advertise on a commercial platform then you should do so through official channels.

    Generally lemmy and reddit communities favor more organic content like for example solo game developer could ask for a feedback on piece of art of game mechanic they’ve implemented to their game in gamedev related communities. They could also participate to community events like screenshots saturday, share your progress friday or anything similar.

    Now /r/gaming and /r/pcgaming are probably huge communities that are mostly about discussing gaming news, articles and just general topics around gaming. These communities are probably hard to moderate as is and allowing people to self promote there could lead to flood of indie or mobile game ads, streamers and youtubers trying to get more views for their vods or streams, etc which could really annoy the community.