Lime Buzz (fae/she)

fae/faer or she/her

A lover of fruit, fun and helping people out.

Not human so please do not refer to me as such or use any words relating to humanity when referring to me or if it’s intended to include me.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2022


  • Sure, thanks for taking the time 🙂

    I’ve definitely seen it in other places, but tumblr is a strange site. I’m not sure exactly why but users there tend to be a bit more emboldened about things like this and there’s lots of injokes, cultures and memes that happen only there.

    Not everything is good on tumblr of course, them emboldening can lead to a lot of people talking about things they don’t understand and attacking anyone that doesn’t agree with them. That does happen everywhere, however, tumblr is seen as one of the ‘nicer’ commercial social media sites and so they feel like that makes them more justified in their opinions, would be my guess.