• 90 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I do.

    I know people who voted for Trump because they’ve always voted Republican. Republican is their team, so they voted Republican. They assume Trump, as a Republican, will continue with standard Republican policies (which is generally true). They don’t like him as a person but just don’t pay too much attention to it.

    If you mostly ignore Trump and just think of him as a generic Republican it makes sense. I was planning on voting for Biden before he dropped out because Democratic policy is generally what I’m voting for. Biden dropping out and Harris stepping in doesn’t really change my voting plan. I’m still voting Democrat, I’m still voting Harris. Is Harris my favorite choice? No. Is the Democratic platform my perfect platform? No. But is it the best choice given the options? Absolutely. (And I don’t say that as horribly negative thing, there are A LOT of positives from Harris/Democrats and I’m glad/excited to vote for her.)

    BUT we know Trump isn’t a generic Republican and people can’t ignore EVERYTHING he’s done. Jan 6 being a big one. If you’re a Republican voter now you’re stuck. You can’t vote for Trump. But you want to vote Republican.

    You’re a generic Republican voter. You see Bush admins, Regan admins, Cheney all say they’re voting for Harris. You voted for them previously. That gives you the opening to vote for Harris. That helps.