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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Erm, most games? You’re better off asking which games people might remember 20 years from now. You ask me what games released in 2004 off the to of my head I could only remember Halo 2, Half-life 2 and Doom 3 (and this one I remember because of Half-life 2). I’m 100% certain I’m forgetting some huge release from 2004. But that’s the thing, only the really memorable games will be remembered.

    I could probably mention 20-30 games from the 00s (maybe 50-60 because some series released a lot of games in that time frame. For example Half-life 2, episode 1 and episode 2 make up 3 games, but I remember all of them because of Half-life 2), but over a decade thousands of games were released. The vast majority of games will be forgotten.

    20 years from now maybe some old man like myself remembers Space Marine 2, but it will get wiped from the collective memory.

  • He’s not talking about the communist manifesto, he’s talking about Das Kapital. If you don’t care to read it there are YouTube summaries such as this one . If you want to get straight into the meat of the subject you can start from chapter 4 and if you think it’s all stupid take the 5-6 minutes to listen to chapter 7 so you’d at least know where socialists are coming from when they say capitalists are stealing your money.

  • In that case aren’t most games gambling? You fight a boss and you die. You have failed and you lose progress of the boss fight which means the failed fight was a waste of time. Gambling.

    My actual point is that despite us having a relatively good intuition on what is gambling, defining what gambling really is is pretty hard. Be too broad and you will end up marking non-gambling things as gambling, be too narrow and you get things like lootboxes that definitely feel like gambling but don’t actually fit most legal definitions of gambling.

    Your definition is so broad it encompasses almost all games and as such is useless when you want to use it to regulate gambling on games.

  • The unmodded experience absolutely isn’t a casual game. Due to the semi random nature of the game I actually rate it harder than dark souls.

    It doesn’t have the same roadblock encounters souls games have but you can learn how to pass them in the souls games. However in Noita you need to learn the systems and then use your knowledge of the systems to bypass the problems in a more dynamic way. For example I wanted to carve a path through lava. Usually I’ve done it with a freezing spell, but I didn’t have it. Instead I had found lava to blood spell, so I turned parts of lava to blood which then reacted with the rest of lava to create volcanic rock, which I then dug through.

    For a more casual experience I recommend using mods for whatever gives you the most trouble, because there’s a lot of that can give you problems. You can learn at your own pace because it does get easier the more you get used to the systems in the game.

    I definitely recommend experiencing Noita, it’s one of the most unique games I’ve ever played. It’s so unique I actually have a hard time putting it into a specific genre. I usually just call it a roguelite Metroidvania. It starts out as a roguelite but the more you play it the more it becomes like a Metroidvania where there’s usually a specific mechanic preventing access to other areas but there can be multiple solutions to the mechanic and your solution depends whatever things the roguelite aspect of the game gave you.

  • I think Alonso will move on from F1 in the next 2-3 years and I don’t see Max going to AM before 2027 (unless RB really drop the ball in 2025). However Papa Stroll is selling shares of the team which means as more and more time goes by there will be more and more pressure from other shareholders to drop Stroll, unless he magically becomes a great driver (which I seriously doubt).

    I wouldn’t be surprised if in the next 5 years both Lance and Fernando are no longer in F1.

  • Well, for starters Xbox was dead on arrival, they had no system sellers lined up and the series S has held this generation Xbox back since the beginning. Sony on the other hand started off well, but then got the GaaS hard on and almost all of their gaas projects are failing hard. That’s why they barely have a library of exclusives.

    Not to mention this generation has also been a technological flop (not just on the consoles side but also on the PC side). The next big thing to change gaming is ray tracing, but the tech is still too raw to fully utilize it. Because of that we’re largely getting the same tech as last gen, just higher fidelity.

    And considering console exclusives started coming to PC I think there’s even less of a consumer pull towards consoles. A lot of PC gamers owned a console and now they don’t need one because the get to play their console games on PC at higher quality with better performance.

    The next generation needs to be marvelous or I think console gaming, as we currently know it, will be dead.

  • I guess it’s regional bang-per-buck. I just bought a 4070 over a 7800XT because it cost only 20€ more and for that 20€ I get a better upscaler (I personally find DLSS visually better than FSR) and much better ray-tracing performance with only a marginal drop in rasterization performance. Oh and also better wattage which is a factor considering my cost of electricity, probably offsets that 20€ over the duration of me using the card. And I got the new shitty Star Wars game for free. I’m not trying to be an Nvidia fanboy here. When I decided to get a new card I was absolutely certain I’m getting an AMD card because Nvidia cards were supposed to be overpriced as hell. Well, turns out bang-per-buck Nvidia card came out on top.

    I think my 4070 example is probably why they’re going to target more budget cards, because xx70 cards are already outside the budget of the average gamer. If you look at the Steam hardware survey xx50 and xx60 cards make up the lion’s share of the cards from the last 3 generations. There’s literally only 3070 in the top 10 most popular cards, everything else xx60 or xx50. 3080 is the first xx80 card and that’s only 15th most popular and 4090 is the first xx90 card while being 30th most popular. Why waste resources trying to compete with xx70, xx80 or xx90 cards when you could just beat the xx60 card and get most of the market.

    I do hope their plan works out for them.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoGames@lemmy.worldThe Eurogamer 100
    10 days ago

    I agree the genre isn’t exactly for me, but I don’t think that’s really relevant. Stardew Valley and Sims more or less fall in the same genre and I loved Stardew Valley and could see the appeal of Sims. I don’t have an issue with those games being on the list but New Horizons just felt shallow. Outside of collecting things for the Museum there really wasn’t anything that engaging. I remember also checking if I’m just playing it wrong and the sentiment from the AC vets was that the gameplay of New Leaf is better.

    I did a quick check to see New Horizon is still in the same state as I remember and some people are claiming the 2.0 update made the game better so I guess I’ll give it another shot one day. Maybe my opinion is dated because I haven’t really played since 1.3 update.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoGames@lemmy.worldThe Eurogamer 100
    11 days ago

    I’m going to give my probably controversial opinion. I don’t think Animal Crossing New Horizons should be on that list and the main reason it got critical acclaim is because it released at the height of Covid. Had it released any other time people would’ve seen that it’s a shallow game where in long term it’s mostly a repetition of the same menial actions. There’s nothing wrong with repetition, but having to check the store every day isn’t exactly the peak of compelling gameplay.