So do I! When I saw that 9 stealing a 1 and becoming a 10, I thought “Wait… These are electrons. This is chemistry. That 9 is a halogen!”
So do I! When I saw that 9 stealing a 1 and becoming a 10, I thought “Wait… These are electrons. This is chemistry. That 9 is a halogen!”
Jesse, we need to cook!
Closely related to that:
JD Vance, is that you?
The second one actually gave me half of a mental breakdown, but not because it was too violent for me.
One analysis that I read made the exact opposite conclusion that I made, and it showed me this: in the subject of English, two diametrically opposed points can both be equally correct! Nothing is fixed! Reality is mutable!
Also The Lottery, The Veldt, Harrison Bergeron (which others have already mentioned)
Could have just said man instead of ma’am. They sound almost the same.
is fox? or is snake?
The entire community, apparently
Why are there so many question marks??? That’s not how questions work??????
No? What does Mr. Rogers have to do with leopards? Tigers I can see, but these aren’t those.
Still faster than Windows
It’s very energizing too
AI? In medical research? But rulers!!!
Upvoted solely for the last line
Everything here reminds everyone of that.
It wasn’t anything big that caused me to switch. It was just a general feeling of “oh, maybe I’ll switch” and annoyance at Windows, and then I got a new SSD.
Here’s a few of the micro-hacks that I’ve hacked up in the past.
doas chroot /linux /bin/login
which runs Vim, and then compiles the code and makes it executable. #!/bin/sh
#Works only for C
vim $1.c && cc -O3 -Wall -Werror -Wno-unused-result $1.c -o $1
#MODE=`stat -f "%OLp" $1`
if ("stat -f "%OLp" $1 | grep -e 6 -e 4 -e 2") then
chmod +x $1
, which does what it says in the comments #!/bin/sh
#dos2unix -O -e -s $1 | sed 's/ / /g' | sed 's/“/"/g' | sed 's/”/"/g'
cat $1 | sed 's/ / /g' | sed 's/“/"/g' | sed 's/”/"/g'
#Convert DOS line endings to Unix ones and add a final newline if there isn't one,
#replace sequence of 4 spaces with tab,
#and replace "smart" quotes with normal ones
I just keep those ones for historical value, but there’s one hack I use every day. My keyboard doesn’t have a function key (Fn), so I use the Super/Windows key instead.
I have xdotool keyup Super_L keyup Super_R keyup F4 key XF86Sleep
bound to a custom keyboard shortcut. It unpresses the keys used for the shortcut (Super + F4), then presses the sleep key.
Damn Taskbar is gold
Tom Lehrer, “New Math”