Cowbee [he/him]

Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much

  • 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Many red fash support the states of North Korea, Russia, China, etc.

    “Red-fash” isn’t a thing, except perhaps for PatSocs and MAGA Communists, like the aforementioned American Communist Party. There are Marxists, and Marxists generally defend AES. There are no Marxists who support Russia except in its anti-NATO stance.

    Additionally, this doesn’t answer my question. What specifically makes a government authouritarian?

    Ofc “real commies” would never support any state.

    Are Marx, Engels, and Lenin not “real commies?” I suggest reading The State and Revolution, it’s around 25% Marx and Engels quotes and goes over the Marxist Theory of the State. Specifically, the Marxist position is that the State can’t be abolished overnight, so we must smash the Capitalist state and replace it with a more democratic worker-state that will itself work out contradictions, transitioning from a policing of people to an administration of things, a state-as-not-a-state.

    Most identify as anarchists, nihilists, etc. in order to avoid ideology/terminology that’s largely been recuperated by authoritarianism.

    Ah, that’s why you didn’t answer the authoritarian question and reject the Marxist analysis of the State, you’re an Anarchist and are trying to claim full ownership of the word “Communism” and reject all of Marxism itself. I suggest reading Marxist theory, not just Goldman and Kropotkin.

  • China is currently debt trapping most of Africa. They pretty much appointed the current dictator of Zimbawe for example.

    Do you have evidence of this “debt-trapping?”

    The way I look at good and bad is on a scale. Whenever a country makes the life for the average human better in terms of material well being, but also political freedom, that is a good thing. Whenever they make those things worse then it is bad.

    Then China must be the best country in the world in your opinion, as it has largely eliminated poverty for the largest population on the planet.

    A huge reason the US is the country doing so many bad things, is that nearly nobody else can. Any large scale war between two countries in recent times had the US being the agressor or the US intervening massivly. Iraq was done after invading Kuwait and Russia despute having nukes and a resilient economy is not liking it either.

    Why do you believe the US does bad things? Like, what’s the driving factor?

    So we have to look at what countries choose to do with the power they have and the US is not the worst in that metric.

    The US is absolutely the worst in that metric, and it isn’t close. It’s the single greatest parasite on the Global South, they produce very little and expropriate the bulk of Value created by the Global South. It isn’t close.

  • To be fair, most people on can’t either. The vast majority of people in the west have not read Marx, or if they have done so, they have only read the Communist Manifesto perhaps once. Communism is so thoroughly demonized in the Imperial Core that only a minor fraction have even read Marx, and only a fraction among them have read more than just the CM.