That is not how Hispanic is used in the dataset. Just read the methodology for crying out loud.
That is not how Hispanic is used in the dataset. Just read the methodology for crying out loud.
Not unless someone methodologically captures all the accounts through interviews and surveys and turns it into one.
I agree that anecdotes aren’t worthless, but for different reasons. There’s actually a saying that goes, “the plural of anecdote isn’t data.” Anecdotes are just stories. They aren’t data points and they aren’t peer reviewed. If you want to turn anecdotes into data, you have to do the proper interviews and surveys to actually build a dataset and then get the peer review, but at that point we aren’t talking about anecdotes anymore.
Ah. That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation!
Not sure I understand. Are you agreeing that the moon landing happened but you also claim the footage is faked? Do you have any reasons to support that? You mention something about radio technology from the 1920s, but the moon landing occurred nearly 50 years later, so I hardly see how that is relevant.
Edit: I misread your comment. Thanks to for pointing it out.
Yeah, I’m gonna need more than your incredulity to convince me. Like, fun that you think it is inconceivable, but your inability to imagine has no bearing on reality. Especially when there is plenty of evidence to suggest they actually filmed and broadcasted it live. For example, the fact that a live television broadcast was a primary goal of the mission, or the fact that RCA made custom TV cameras for the Apollo program , or that the broadcast lasted for hours, or any of the analyses out there that shows the video is likely real. Also, no one suggested that the Apollo astronauts had a camera crew with them - what a bizarre thing to mention.
Housing is taxed at the value of the property, not the difference between the value of the property and the purchase price.
Why stop there? They’re just as real as any number.
Just say you recently came into some inheritance and that you are looking into investment opportunities. Then they will expect you to be out of your element, so you won’t need to try to pretend you’re someone you’re not. If they ask about the inheritance, say your grandfather made a fortune selling lumber or something boring like that.
You didn’t use photos as evidence. You used the lack of results in a Google image search as evidence. Absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence and a single Google image search isn’t a very thorough search for evidence to begin with.
Also Genocide doesn’t imply killing. There are forms of genocide that doesn’t involve mass murder.
Lol at the way you conceptualize evidence. Also lol at the way that you don’t know what genocide is.
That’s not how suburbs work. Suburbs aren’t about municipalities - they’re about zoning and proximity to an urban area. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about and want to disagree with people who have first hand experience, so I’m not going to argue with you about this. Have a good one
Yes. Long Island is New York City. I lived there and my address said New York, New York.
I brain farted. I lived in Staten Island, but the point stands. Staten Island is a suburb of New York and is in New York. My current living situation is identical with respect to my current major city. I live in a suburb, but my address says the name of the major city.
What do you mean? Almost every major city has suburbs (at least in my country). I live in one of the top ten most populous cities in the US and I live in the suburbs.
It’s supposed to be E^2 = (mc^2 )^2 + AI^2 , which implies that AI = pc, because AI is the momentum that will carry us into the future. These rookies clearly just took the square root using freshman’s dream.
I don’t know the reason. I think not having the extra blank lines would be better, but it works just fine as is - even the post admits this much. That’s why it’s an enhancement. It’s possible for software to be functional and consistent and still have room for improvement - that doesn’t mean there is a bug.
My point is that someone made the decision for it to do that and that the software works just fine as is. It’s not a bug, it’s just a weird quirk. The fact that they made the enhancement you requested doesn’t make the old behavior buggy. Your post title said “it’s not a bug, it’s a feature!”, but the behavior you reported is not accurately classified as a bug.
It’s not a bug just because the software doesn’t conform to your personal preferences. You’re asking for what would be considered an enhancement - not a bug fix.
Okay. That’s a very convincing analogy. Thanks for the thought out response. Forgive me for being rude.