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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I think that the post may be a violation of law and it’s just not being charged. It’s like pulling someone over for speeding, and giving them a warning instead of a ticket.

    I’m perfectly okay with people in charge of protecting national security following up on threatening posts that may put the life of the VP in danger. I wouldn’t be okay if they forced entry or overstepped their power. I didn’t think following up like this is crossing any lines and is arguably the best way to handle something like this.

    What do you feel would be more prudent, just to leave it be?

  • A rollercoaster. It was dropping until the cheese thing, which I think is just normal, unspoken behavior. Sounds to me like a bout of depression, or at least what I think is depression. I 100% get the same lethargy to life, and it tends to come in waves.

    If you haven’t, I’d look at having a chat with a professional. I’m not a good role model for this, but I have pushed through the lulls more times than I care to admit, and it gets tougher every year. The negative thoughts set in and create this negative feedback loop that makes functioning difficult, and digs a hole that’s hard to climb out of.

    Anecdotally, if this is new to you, it doesn’t make for a happy life. I’m working to get help, but there are roadblocks. I would encourage you to try the same. If it doesn’t help, then you can cross that bridge later. If it does, then you’ll be in a much better place and the light will shine again.

    …or the Internet really is just shitty.

  • You’re making an awful lot of assumptions about something you don’t know any fucking thing about. You have no idea the shit that has gone through my mind and the demons that I’ve faced. You have to be completely ignorant to not see that others are affected by suicide, that they are victims all the same, but the difference is that they have to keep on living with it.

    You don’t think that Mike or anyone else had to sit there and live with survivors guilt, or wonder what they could have done to help him? Or his wife left with kids to raise all on her own, you don’t think that it’s selfish of him to leave them all high and dry? Fuck that. Maybe in your magic bubble where there aren’t consequences for actions, but not in the real world.

  • I get around $120 a week to sell my plasma in the middle of the US at a BioLife center. Payment varies a little depending on the center you go to and various promotions, but it’s usually pretty close. It’s about 2-3 hours a week commitment.

    In college, the money was necessary, but now I do it for extra side cash. My wife and I own a home, two vehicles, and are doing well, so I don’t need the money. I do it to supplement non budgeted items for fun, like weed, one or more snowboarding trips to actual elevation, and bass guitars and bass guitar accessories to name a few. Could it pay more? Probably, but I don’t feel like I’m getting ripped off for the time I’m giving.

    I used to double dip, and do my hourly job while donating, which got me out of the office earlier, and got extra money. Now I’m salary and have meetings and shit.

  • People that have reservations over her Scientology situation, I understand. People that are upset that LP got a new singer, regardless of who it is, I believe are selfish morons. When band members die or leave, the band should be allowed to move on. Chester was one one of a kind, and it’s super sad that he’s not still here, but when the lead singer in your band not only dies, but kills themselves and fucks over the band, then replacing that person should not be controversial at all. Mental health issues are real, and I have empathy, but Chester’s actions were ultimately selfish and the closest victims are now under fire for continuing forward.

  • I jumped right in the deep end with Arch. I’ve been a sys admin for about a decade and in IT for another 5 years, so I’m good with computers, but more importantly, I’m good at searching for and finding solutions to my problems. It was a bit rocky for the first setup, but been mostly smooth sailing since Jan or Feb. I reformatted to change to btrfs and snapper after the first month or two.

    I still don’t know a lot about how Linux works or where any of the config files are, but I’m learning. I’m all on the bandwagon.