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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • You don’t ask the loser what they want to stop the war. You go to the side that’s winning and say, “what would it take to get you to stop?”. Either Zelensky is a fool or he’s so posturing for more western money, because he has really no leverage and so his insistence on continuing the war is costing hundreds of thousands of lives. Support domestically for the war has collapsed, tens of thousands have fled the country, tens of thousands more dodge the draft. Everyone willing to fight in this war has already done so, they’re literally arresting people for draft dodging and telling them go to prison or join the military and we’ll absolve you of the “crime” of not wanting to fight a losing war. Is this just a collapse in western understanding of war after so long without a major one? Or is it just selfishness on the part of the west who cares more about “hurting Russia” than it does about irradiating Ukraine and destroying an entire generation of people? Or is it just idiocy on the part of Ukrainian leadership, who keep getting removed for not wanting to continue sending their men to die?

  • The legalization of cannabis in my state was brought about by activists, not Democratic Party members, and was passed by the public, which is made up of a majority of unaffiliated voters. Our Democratic governor vehemently opposed the measure. He did implement it when it passed, which Republican legislatures and governors have not done when similar bills were passed by the public in Republican states, though.

  • I don’t. I appreciate that I had some time of naivety, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything, but having a structural analysis of the systems in place in human society allows me to see more clearly, and to have understanding of events that negate the attempts made by individuals and groups to manipulate me into accepting their narratives. This saves me much of the pain and anguish that comes with not understanding.

    For example, when 9/11 happened, I, having been a young American inculcated in American dominance and hegemony, had no framework through which to understand why it happened, which left me in shock and with significant cognitive dissonance. Were such an event to happen now, I would still be greatly saddened, but I would not be left so in the dark with no understanding of why. I’d rather know why, because then I can make efforts towards changing things in the future.