I emailed Geocaching support asking if they could give me a free trial to see if it was worth it. They responded like right away giving me a code for a free week trial but it was attached to a year subscription ($40). I subscribed anyways because I guess it’s not too bad and I might be able to cancel it if I don’t want it.
So far, I will keep it since it unlocked a few geocaches around Cal Poly Pomona and at parks near my area. So for me, it’s worth it, especially when it encourages me to to outside and touch some grass.
c:geo is so damn good. A bit cluttery as far as the UI goes but eh it just has so much functionality.
That’s why I’ve been considering it periodically. Another reason is areas with very few/no caches, you are sometimes wondering if there might be some premium ones in there.
Yeah I impulsively bought it since I thought it’s a fairly inexpensive hobby or mine and forces me to go outside and be more active.