This article does a good job of talking about how poor the windows experience on a handheld is, and why SteamOS could dominate handheld devices if windows doesn’t start to make serious changes to improve it’s useability and performance.
To be clear, I don’t want to see windows succeed here, I would absolutely love to see SteamOS take over the handheld space and be a real linux ambassador to show people that they do have other choices than windows for their computers.
It’s testament to Microsoft’s incompetence that they still haven’t got an “Xbox handheld OS” so-to-speak, or at the very least offered a trimmed down windows with an Xbox UI frontend to handheld OEMs.
The Steam Deck is a success, there’s other handhelds on the market (a common review criticism often being how poor windows works on them), Sony is in discussions with AMD for hardware for a handheld (albeit it’s a long way off).
MS’s incompetence in gaming is staggering.
I hope Microsoft does nothing.
Yes, they are way too corporate and out of touch.