I can’t sleep if I drink it too late
Have you tried water?
Oh my god you solved it! You solved ADHD! Water! Genius!
They weren’t responding to curing ADHD with water. They’re responding to the title, asking what they can drink to avoid caffeine.
Water is great for hydration but it’s not a stimulent…
Look I dunno. Title didn’t say they were using it to self-medicate! I take prescription drugs for my ADHD. If caffeine helped I’d probably do that too.
Kratom is stimulating but not as much of a harsh stimulation IMO. A close friend of mine has ADHD, and he has repeatedly expressed how grateful he is that I introduced him to kratom. He gets a lot of side effects from Vivance (and the others) that kratom helps smooth out.
I am not sure if I truly have a mild form of ADHD or if I just share some of the symptoms, but I generally find it easier to concentrate when I have some kratom in my system. All of my close friends are neurodivergent, and I suspect there’s a reason why.
Damn Lemmy is wild, we’re just out here casually recommending kratom.
I’m glad it’s working for you, but also we have no long term studies about refined kratom (and yes, it is refined, unless you’re out there eating the diet and chewing the m. speciosa leaf of the indigenous South East Asian tribes this practice originates from). I’ve had several classmates who replaced their Adderall addiction with kratom, and the side effects were nasty as hell, one of them even has permanent liver damage because of it.
Sorry to be a fed, but I recommend anyone who wants to try kratom to really look into dosages and usage time beyond a cursory Google search and what random people (including me) say on social media before committing.
Regular kratom leaf is so mild. Coffee is way more addictive. I’ve quit kratom cold turkey each time I’ve taken a tolerance break and had no issues. I cannot quit caffeine cold turkey.
I’m not recommending gas station kratom extract shots. Dry, ground leaf is what I take. OP asked for something other than caffeine which isn’t exactly healthy in the amounts the meme describes.
Was your roommate using the liquid shots? I feel like you’ve gotten some bad information regarding what kratom is and isn’t. I assume you’ve never tried it. Is that correct?
I will be very surprised if an actual woman posted this