I would for vote Kamala. I would vote for a cactus with sunglasses if it had the Democratic nomination. You would do yourself well to consider anything that is weaking the resolve of the anti-trump sentiment straight poison to your brain. We have only one job this novemeber and that is to stop trump. The Supreme Court has given him the status of king. Quit acting like your vote is sacred and start realizing your vote is your final cry before your rights are forfeited.

    1 month ago

    There are a lot of hypothetical conversations in this thread about fascism and “November” but for me this election is about something actually happening right now. People are being exterminated by US weapons in Gaza. I will not be voting for an administration that sanctions genocide. There has to be a political price for this kind of behavior.

    I can’t acknowledge voting for the Democratic party as “the lesser of two evils.” To me it looks like Americans are afraid of losing their country, while the rest of the world has been running for cover from American weapons for over a century. The era of American exceptionalism and impunity is over. It’s time to rejoin the rest of the world. “Fascism or genocide” is not going to cut it.