The early alpha prototype of pest3, the next major revision of the pest parser generator library, was published on! Read more for details on how you can experiment with this prototype. Wh...
Depending on your preferences, there’s also Nom if you prefer parser combinators, or lalrpop or grmtools if you prefer LR(1) parsing.
Since reading Which Parsing Approach by Laurence Tratt (author of grmtools), my plan for my own parsing projects has been to use an LR(1) parser generator for the stronger compile-time guarantees.
Depending on your preferences, there’s also Nom if you prefer parser combinators, or lalrpop or grmtools if you prefer LR(1) parsing.
Since reading Which Parsing Approach by Laurence Tratt (author of grmtools), my plan for my own parsing projects has been to use an LR(1) parser generator for the stronger compile-time guarantees.