Die FDP will mehr Autos in den Innenstädten und fordert weniger Platz für Fußgänger und Radfahrer. Das Pro-Auto-Programm soll ein gezielter Gegenentwurf zur Verkehrspolitik der Grünen sein. Die Kritik folgt prompt. Von Oliver Neuroth.
And the Greens party gave those Croûtons the traffic ministry…
Probably the reason for that new direction; they noticed that quite some people are very emotionally heated against last generation etc and think ‘hey more cars in the city’ could bring them those voters.
But most of them are not against doing sth against climate change… They are just part of the lazy majority that says anything as long as it doesn’t affect me and my lifestyle
Probably the reason for that new direction; they noticed that quite some people are very emotionally heated against last generation etc and think ‘hey more cars in the city’ could bring them those voters. But most of them are not against doing sth against climate change… They are just part of the lazy majority that says anything as long as it doesn’t affect me and my lifestyle