Die FDP will mehr Autos in den Innenstädten und fordert weniger Platz für Fußgänger und Radfahrer. Das Pro-Auto-Programm soll ein gezielter Gegenentwurf zur Verkehrspolitik der Grünen sein. Die Kritik folgt prompt. Von Oliver Neuroth.
And the Greens party gave those Croûtons the traffic ministry…
And the Greens thought the economy ministry would be the biggest opportunity to enact green changes. But the FDP knew that nothing could stop change as effectively as having the finance ministry… And amazingly they got it. Surely because Scholz is not an idiot and knew that this would lead to a balance of power between his two coalition buddies, in a way stabilising his weak chancellorship.
And the Greens thought the economy ministry would be the biggest opportunity to enact green changes. But the FDP knew that nothing could stop change as effectively as having the finance ministry… And amazingly they got it. Surely because Scholz is not an idiot and knew that this would lead to a balance of power between his two coalition buddies, in a way stabilising his weak chancellorship.