Die FDP will mehr Autos in den Innenstädten und fordert weniger Platz für Fußgänger und Radfahrer. Das Pro-Auto-Programm soll ein gezielter Gegenentwurf zur Verkehrspolitik der Grünen sein. Die Kritik folgt prompt. Von Oliver Neuroth.
And the Greens party gave those Croûtons the traffic ministry…
Yep, seeing as they’re not a ‘everyone has to agree to everything the leadership says’ kind of party, but one that accepts and promotes discourse, I feel absolutely fine voting for them every time and calling it out when they make a bad decision. I don’t think that holding the exterior ministry is helping Germany a lot to meet our climate goals, I do however see that the traffic ministry is failing the goals spectacularly after handing it off to the FDP
Yep, seeing as they’re not a ‘everyone has to agree to everything the leadership says’ kind of party, but one that accepts and promotes discourse, I feel absolutely fine voting for them every time and calling it out when they make a bad decision. I don’t think that holding the exterior ministry is helping Germany a lot to meet our climate goals, I do however see that the traffic ministry is failing the goals spectacularly after handing it off to the FDP