
Dana Bash asks Bernie about Kamala backtracking on progressive policies like Medicare for All, and Bernie basically says, well, she’s gotta win.

He crushed her running on those same policies. Medicare for all has 88% approval among Dems. Even half of Republicans approve.


CNN - 8/11/2024 - @BernieSanders asked about a @VP Harris admin. economic policy agenda and standing up for working families

“She has reversed herself on #MedicareForAll…”

B.S - “She has to run her campaign…”

[Video, link below]


Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1822678870203461632/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/95dcuT4AhZQEmz3N.mp4

Source: https://x.com/briebriejoy/status/1822694614911922584