• CheeseNoodle@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Honestly their BS does kind of work they just seem unable to grasp that all the things they’re saying also apply to everyone else. They don’t have to aknowledge their electricity providers authority to charge them for electricity and the electric company doesn’t have to keep supplying it. Its like some kind of extreme narcisicm.

      • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        'Cept in most locales you have to maintain your home’s “habitability status” to not get it condemned, which requires having a functional electrical supply. And usually also working plumbing, heat, some manner of cooking apparatus, and a refrigerator.

        “Muh Freedumb!” aside, these types of code requirements were as I understand it at least initially put into place to prevent slumlords from charging rent for an “apartment” that has access to none of the above.

        Anyhow, if you really don’t want to pay electric bills it’s really not too tough to get yourself some solar panels or something. Somehow that never occurs to these people. There are counties out in the boondocks where you are permitted by law to live fully off the grid if you feel like it, so maybe they ought to move there and quit bothering everybody with their nonsense.