He is Swedish. The age of consent in Sweden is 15. So there is nothing to “admit” here except that he might have been quite successful in hitting on girls all along.
Uh… In some places of the world goverment will let you marry children. Doesn’t stop me from looking at those people like pedos, molesters and rapist. Doesn’t matter to me that their “law” permits it. This guy may not be as bad, but I don’t like him.
He is Swedish. The age of consent in Sweden is 15. So there is nothing to “admit” here except that he might have been quite successful in hitting on girls all along.
Uh… In some places of the world goverment will let you marry children. Doesn’t stop me from looking at those people like pedos, molesters and rapist. Doesn’t matter to me that their “law” permits it. This guy may not be as bad, but I don’t like him.