President Biden’s policy agenda is incredibly popular, much more popular than his opponent’s. But Biden the man? Not so much.

The question now is whom to blame for the approval gap between the president and his agenda: voters, the media or Biden himself.

Democrats have long argued that their policies are more popular than those of Republicans. In a recent blind test conducted by YouGov, that was unmistakably true. The polling organization asked Americans what they thought about major policies proposed by Biden and Donald Trump without specifying who proposed them. The idea was to see how the public perceived ideas when stripped of tribal associations.

Biden’s agenda was the winner, hands down.

Of the 28 Biden proposals YouGov asked about, 27 were supported by more people than opposed them. Impressively, 24 received support from more than 50 percent of respondents.

  • Verdant
    3 months ago

    but what makes him qualified

    as a career politician what has he done to affect your life so much that y’all immediately want to suck him off so hard?

    was it the crime bills, the conservative far right immigration policies, his failed response to $7.25 minimum wage, was it women losing rights they have had for over half a century?

    or is it strictly because he is a democrat and likes the color blue?

    no the US does not need either of the two senile elders with mental decline

    yes that happens after a certain age and anyone who thinks these two are mentally capable or immune to laws of time have never had to take care an elder before

    Biden is 82 years old way past retirement and Trump is not far behind